Phosphate Passivation

Neutralization Chemicals

Corrosion Preventers

Neutralization Chemicals

1) n plus 620 (Enamel Neutralization)
 It is produced to prevent the corrosion occuring after the tough acid baths set for iron-steel products. It is used as the last application bath especially on enamel surface lines.

2) n plus 625 (Enamel Neutralization)
 It is produced to prevent the corrosion occuring after the tough acid baths set for iron-steel products. It is used as the last application bath especially on enamel surface lines.

3) n plus 630 (Enamel Neutralization)
 It is produced to prevent the corrosion occuring after the tough acid baths set for iron-steel products. It is used as the last application bath especially on enamel surface lines.