Phosphate Passivation

Neutralization Chemicals

Corrosion Preventers

Phosphate Passivation

1) n plus 600 (Chromium Passivation)
 It is the chromium passivization chemical applied to the last bath in iron phosphate and zinc process. It removes the negative effects caused by application water and the negative effects of the ions such as Mg and Ca which cause roughness in the water against paint adhesion.

2) n plus 610 (Chromium Passivation)
 It is the chromium passivization chemical applied to the last bath in iron phosphate and zinc process. It removes the negative effects caused by application water and the negative effects of the ions such as Mg and Ca which cause roughness in the water against paint adhesion.

3) n plus 615 (Non-Chromium Passivation)
 It is the non-chromium passivization chemical which is applied to the last bath in iron phosphate and zinc phosphate process. Its endurance is less compared to the chromium passivizations.